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Here to Assist

What are your fees?

Prior to confirming coaching services, I meet with each client on a Discovery Call. This Discovery Call is how I learn more about you and your goals to determine how my services are applicable to your needs. Once we meet, I share my recommendations for coaching services and your investment should you and I agree to continue.

Will you edit my resume?

Yes, my iSPARK Pivot and iSPARK Polish include a thorough look at your resume. I offer suggestions for revitalizing your resume to align with your career interests and job specific goals. After our initial Discovery Call we agree to a timeline for submission, review and edit.

What is career coaching?

At iSPARK CONSULTING, LLC you will receive insights and strategies that help you towards achieving your goals professionally. Career coaching is tailored to the needs of the individual; identifying areas of growth, connecting their experiences with skills and empowering you execute those steps. You have me, as your champion, for an agreed upon time, no matter where you are in your career journey.

Do you offer online coaching?

Absolutely! If we have learned anything, we must be willing to accommodate to the needs of professionals. While I would love to meet you in person, I am able to conduct coaching sessions via phone and online platforms for video calls.

I'm interested in starting a business. Can you assist me with a business plan?

Entrepreneurship is exciting! Yes, my Business Consulting services will guide you through the process to lay the ground work; from registering your business, choosing a business name, securing business bank account; recruiting, hiring and managing your day-to-day operations. Let's work together to build your business with a firm foundation.

Are you available to speak at my staff meeting or class?

Yes, my first love is education and I would love to learn more about what your goals are for your team or class. Please email me or complete the contact form with pertinent details. I look forward to learning more about your needs and how I can spark ideas and action.

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